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6018 |
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6020 |
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6021 |
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6022 |
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6023 |
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6024 |
 | Photos/P9_270_360.jpg
6025 |
 | Polititidende. 1921
6026 |
 | Polititidende. 1922
6027 |
 | Previous | NextSadie Nelson and family - Her Mother and Father, Ole and Bertha, Bertha's parents Ben and Anna Anderson, and her sister Birdie, husband Ingman, daughter Beryl, sister Oletta, Sadie, Bert, Bernice and Orril
6028 |
 | Private A sim
6029 |
 | Rachel Elliott
6030 |
 | Rachel Hulda Maria Heleen
6031 |
 | Rachell Elliot With husband Henry Watt West Sr and son, Henry Watt West Jr at Henry Jr's wedding
6032 |
 | Ragna Konstanse Mikkelsdtr. Angeltveit
6033 |
 | Ragnille Marie Rasmusdatter Kvalheim Manger sokneprestembete, SAB/A-76801/H/Haa: Ministerialbok nr. C 1, 1881-1890, s. 19
6034 |
 | Rakel Elisabeth Olsdatter Bjorøy
6035 |
 | Rakel Malene Hansdotter Lie
6036 |
 | Rakel Olina Olsdatter Ulveseth
6037 |
 | Randal Mark Wold
6038 |
 | Randi Aase Iversen (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
6039 |
 | Rasmus Olsen Strømme
6040 |
 | Rebecca Sue Gramblin
6041 |
 | Rebecca Sue Gramblin
6042 |
 | Records of Aliens Pre-Examined in Canada
6043 |
 | Reidun Elfrida Sundfær Iversen (nee Johansen)
6044 |
 | Rettsaken mot Nikoline Wold
6045 |
 | Rev. Marlin Severin Kallevig
6046 |
 | Richard Gavin Duthie
6047 |
 | Richard J Wines
6048 |
 | Richard Steven Schilling
6049 |
 | Rikspolitisjefen, AV/RA-S-1560/L/L0008: 1940-1945, s. 741 Normann Angell Johansen 1
6050 |
 | Rikspolitisjefen, AV/RA-S-1560/L/L0008: 1940-1945, s. 741 Normann Angell Johansen 2